Thursday, 1 September 2011

The Beginning

Hey there!

Everyone has heard of an App, right? Do you know what one is? Do you know what an App is capable of or which ones are even worth the 15 second upload? Has your mom or that uncle you only see twice a year at gatherings asked you “what the heck is an App?”

I plan on helping you out with these issues and more. The App is going to be around for a long time, so we might as well use them to our complete advantage.



  1. Good start! I've been suggesting that folks update/install the "followers" gadget (on the right of the page).

  2. ...and I've been wrong. Looks like it was down on virtually everyone's blogs. Until now!

  3. I won't tell Morris that it's a hick town if you don't.

  4. I like your blog theme a lot! Up to the minute, yet unlikely to go away any time soon. Someday I'll do an "apps I actually ended up using a lot after I spent far too much money on App Store impulse purchases" post, but it might be embarrassing how many of them are games.

  5. I have so many games! I'll have to throw a few game reviews in soon. :)
