I can tell that the way I view and consume media annoys those around me at times. Mainly my boyfriend.
"Well that was a stupid ad. How could they think that would work?"
"How much do you think they have to pay for an 3-D advertisement like that?
"Oh very effective! clever AND funny!"
"Wayyyyy too monotone.."
Now I'm just obsessed with analyzing ad and PR stunts..good and bad. IThat being said, I'm no where near mastering the art forms of these topics, but I have always been interested in ad. I guess any kid that didn't have one of those parents that wouldn't let them watch TV was interested in Ads. How could a kid not be?
As a young Erin I loved the commercials for toys. Surprisingly not Barbies or Polly Pockets, but one of the best parts of Saturday morning cartoons was the spots for the sweetest new Hot Wheels track, Lego set and designs of Pogs. (I had some sweet Sonic the Hedgehog ones. It's okay to be a little jealous)
The way things are marketed to children is kinda funny. Slapping their favourite character on a box of crackers or candy acting as the spokesperson is still around everywhere. Ever notice that all the sugary-horrible-for-you cereal with the friendly looking tiger on the front is on the bottom shelf-right in children's reach? And you better believe that box of cereal is complete with a prize they simply couldn't live without..sticker that barely sticks, anyone?
It seems a little messed up to be marketing so many things to kids rather than their parents.. but how many parents would go out of their way to buy all this.. stuff.. without being whined to or nagged by that little bundle of joy that's gripping onto their leg, screaming?
It seems a little messed up to be marketing so many things to kids rather than their parents.. but how many parents would go out of their way to buy all this.. stuff.. without being whined to or nagged by that little bundle of joy that's gripping onto their leg, screaming?
My all time favourite - COLLECT THEM ALL!
Pokemon is the first to come to mind as that is exactly what my brother and I tried to do. (until he stole mine and said he just magically got that many in one pack :| ) They came out with.. actually still come out with new ones constantly and make some "rare" making you have to buy many more packs in hopes to get that oh so precious Charizard card..
There's probably new "rare" ones now and this is making me feel old.. so moving on.
Another fun thing provided to the world, including to parents, was limited edition. If you're trying to collect them ALL.. you need to get those limited edition ones while they're available! Wouldn't want to miss out on such an opportunity as that ugly Beanie Baby they only made 3000 of or Fruit by the Foot with tongue tattoos.
But how far do you think marketing towards children will go and what's too far? What about marketing Mc Donalds and other fast food to children on the regular? You get a toy with your meal - collect them all - and it comes in a bag full of activities. (and a potential future heart attack..) Have you seen the redone Mcdicks with the sweeeeet new play places? I'm almost tempted to hop in there.
I couldn't even throw a guess out there how many people are persuaded or convinced by an ad each day, but children are particularly vulnerable to this sort of manipulation.
I wonder if I wasn't exposed to as many ads as a child if I'd be so interested in the way they work with peoples minds now. Probably not.. it's what builds Brand Relationships..
Does it kind of make me a bad person for still being blown away with interest in Advertising and PR even though there is so much salesmanship thrown at kids?.. Meh I'll figure out a way to spin it...